Tuesday 16 August 2016

Persuasive Writing - Bending the Truth!

Bending the Truth!

Is it ok to bend the truth? I think it is, because imagine what it would be like if you told the truth to someone close to you and it hurt their feelings and made them mad or dislike you.

Everyone knows that if you are to bend the truth you can sometimes save yourself from seeming like a bad person, like this scenario for instance: I took some money from your wallet because I wanted to do this. You could say I borrowed some money for that school trip I wanted to go on. I am sure you would have wanted me to have the experience.

It is a well known fact that if you bend the truth and feel bad about how that person reacted just remember, don’t let it get out of hand so try to gently bring them down instead of ripping them out.

You tell your friend that they were good at stunting and end up trying to do an impossible stunt off a tall platform in front of a lot of people, he ends up failing, humiliating and hurting himself then ends up being a joke at school. You could’ve stopped him before he started. So in the end just let them know how good they are gently instead of lying to their face.

I strongly believe that if you manage to get into a tricky situation try not to lie your way out either prove it wasn’t you if it was then just take it. E.g: Your brother ate the last cake that was for your dad and he blames it on you so you say that you don’t, the look mum gives you shows she doesn’t believe you so you find ways you prove it was him. You start by saying you had a small piece and say your brother had the rest. After hearing this mum questions your brother and he cracks and says he had all of it and you had none. So see how bending the truth to shows that if you look into it you might just be able to save yourself from taking a hit from someone who pins the blame on you.
Surely you know that in telling the direct truth you can hurt a lot of people but when you bend the truth or fib as it’s more commonly known you’ll tell the truth but in a nicer way. Take this for example: You don’t enjoy the cakes your dad bakes you and don’t want him to be upset about it so instead of saying they are terrible you tell him they are ok but they need some more work.

So after hearing all of this and seeing the facts do you still think it is a bad thing to bend the truth?. If still then I guess you have to stay with you beliefs but if I managed to change your mind about this, then my job here is done.

By Matthew.

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