Tuesday, 27 November 2018

How could I help a poor family from the 1930’s by Azeezah Hassan

Image result for carImage result for games for kidsImage result for foodImage result for phones

If I could travel back in time to the 1930 to give gifts
or treats to a family, I would likely give them a car, food, clothes,
games for the kids, lots of money so they can get what they need and
phones so they can communicate with their family.

I would do this so they can live a better life in the desperate
times they are living in.

By Azeezah Hassan

How could I help a poor family from the 1930’s by Kaysarn Tuake

We were asked to think of how we could support a family from the 1930's who
did not have the things that we have now. Here is how I would help them:

How could I help a poor family from the 1930’s?

I will give them electric blankets to keep them warm.
Some protein bars to keep them healthy, a PlayStation to learn how to play.
I will get the family  a waitress to help them cook, and some nice clothing.
I will give them a WiFi modem, a nice hot tub and a shower and a a big house.  
They will need a hospital to take care of themselves and a fresh 'brick' of money.

Now the old family will be treated like precious shiny gold.  

By Kaysarn Tuake

Related image

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Making Our Space Colourful!


Presently we are waiting for our rebuild. It has been taking some time so our Principal asked us to beautify our spaces while we wait, to make our space feel like ours.
Amua have had the help of our wonderful Miss Parker and her art skills to get us started.
If we see an area that we want to 'zap' up, 'colour dash', paint splatter, create a masterpiece we decide how we want it to look and get our creative minds working.
We have a lot to do but we figure that lots of colour makes the smaller children happy in the playground. 

Thursday, 24 May 2018

CMS Supporting RHS

Thank you Counties Manukau Sport for our gear! Amua Hub 
are ready to go for the Winter Sport Field Days. Ka pai ana!

Friday, 11 May 2018

No hea Koe?

We have been practising how to say where we are from in Te Reo Maori. This is where I am from.