Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Puutake Te Wahanga Maori - James Cook Kapa Haka Roopu.

Red Hill School were one of a very lucky cluster of schools that were visited this week by - Puutake Te Wahanga Maori - James Cook Kapa Haka Roopu.

Our students were left in awe of the students after the high quality of performance that was delivered.  Our own Kapa Haka Roopu have been inspired to strive to show the same wairua, discipline and quality of performance when we perform later in the term.

As a group of students we would also like to acknowledge James Cook High School for recognising and valuing the importance of Maori Language Week. The sharing of the Maori culture with others is vital to the survival of our culture and traditions.

Red Hill School - Winners of one of the Colgate Prizes

The students and staff of Red Hill School have been collecting Colgate packets, tubes, etc to recycle as part of the Colgate Recycling Programme.

We were surprised when the school was contacted to say that we were one of the lucky winners of one of the $500.00 recycling prizes.

We are SUPER PROUD of our efforts!

We are sure that we will find a suitable set of resources to spend the money on so that all of the children can benefit from all of the collecting.

Keep collecting everyone!!!

Friday, 24 July 2015

Kirstein's Learning Map.

Kirstein has just started at Red Hill School. Come and look at all of the things that she enjoys being a part of.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015


I believe that Matariki is the time of year when you think about the past and what you would like your future to look like.

The Seven Sisters were manipulative however they were caught out by Mitai who found out that they were patupaire. (Fairy people)

The patupaire are very special people who bring good wairua most of the time.

Compiled by Sharkita.

Character Study - Matilda

One of the key areas of focus for literacy were character profiles. This was Mykka's first slideshow experience. Her focus novel was Matilda.