Kia Ora! We are a Year 7 and 8 Learning Hub at Red Hill School in Papakura.
Saturday, 12 December 2015
Prizegiving 2015
As we come to the end of the year we have just had the most fantastic prizegiving. The students performed with pride, participated with enthusiasm and were genuinely happy for their peers who were award winners.
Thursday, 10 December 2015
Red Hill School Year 6-8 Students go Snorkeling.
Today the Year 6-8 students were lucky enough to take part in the mini dippers programme in the Rosehill College pools.
Some students were very good and others took a little bit of time to equalize their ears under the pressure from the water.
We had a fantastic time learning a new skill and hope that we will get to do it again next year.
Some students were very good and others took a little bit of time to equalize their ears under the pressure from the water.
We had a fantastic time learning a new skill and hope that we will get to do it again next year.
Friday, 4 December 2015
Saturday, 28 November 2015
The Senior School Rainbows End Experience 2015
The Year 5-8 students visited Rainbows End as a reward for working so hard to complete their monitor duties throughout the year. We had a fantastic time together.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
I Come From Poems
In Amua Whare we have been creating I Come From Poems to share who we are and where we come from. Here is an example of one of our fantastic poems.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Red Hill School and the Zone Athletics.
There were a group of Year 7 and 8 students that took part in the Zone Athletics Competition. Everyone took part with a positive fair play attitude and some have made it through to the Interschool Competition.
Friday, 13 November 2015
The School Athletics - The Tabloid Sport
As part of the School Athletics House Day we all took part in a series of tabloid activities for the first part of the morning. We took part in -
- jump jam
- discus
- shot put
- weight lifting
- hurdles
- the marathon
-moon hopping
- the obstacle course
- javelin
- basketball

It was a real neat start to our very busy day!
- jump jam
- discus
- shot put
- weight lifting
- hurdles
- the marathon
-moon hopping
- the obstacle course
- javelin
- basketball
It was a real neat start to our very busy day!
The School Whanau Athletics House Day 2015
Today we had the School Whanau House Day. We had a fabulous time with an amazing athletic track with professional line markings. Everyone took part including our preschoolers and parents.
Saturday, 7 November 2015
The Girls Touch Team Compete at Zone Level.
The Year 7 and 8 Girls Touch Rugby Team represented North Counties at the Counties Zone Touch Competition this week. They were very competitive even though they did not come in the first three placings. It was a great opportunity to play against challenging teams from around the area and also have the boys as the coaches.
An awesome group of girls who had a super time!
An awesome group of girls who had a super time!
Friday, 30 October 2015
Principal's Awards Assembly
Today we had a Principals Award Assembly at school. There were three students who received awards and they were all Year 7 Boys. Miss Kereopa and Miss Castle are so proud of all of the work that they have put in over the last three weeks to keep their learning progressing.
Jacob earned his award for having a positive attitude towards learning. |
Roman received his award for positively sharing his learning with others. |
Lelei has been experimenting with language and using complex vocabulary in his writing. |
Thursday, 29 October 2015
North Counties Year 7 and 8 Athletics Day 2015
The Year 7 and 8 students took part in the North Counties Year 7 and 8 Athletics Day at Massey Park today. Everyone put in their very best effort and we also had some that won their events. Well done everyone on such a successful event.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Jam Bus.............Hopeful.
As part of the Jam Bus experience some students were recorded in
Iziah and Munokoa had a fantastic time
singing one of their favourite songs "Hopeful." We think it sounds
Click on the link to have a listen.
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Our Superhero Challenge.
The Year 7 and 8 students were challenged to answer the following questions -:
If I was a superhero who would I be? (We could create a new superhero if we wished) What would mu superpower be and why? Here are some examples of superheroes and superpowers that we wished that we were able to be.
Monday, 14 September 2015
The School Cross Country 2015
Today was the School Cross Country. We had a fabulous time running the course, climbing over hay bales, zigzaging through tyres and crawling under tunnels.
Everyone did so well.
We had a parents race too and they all ran like the wind through the course.
The adults even did the obstacles.
Well done to everyone!
We had a parents race too and they all ran like the wind through the course.
The adults even did the obstacles.
Well done to everyone!
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Jam Bus Visits Red Hill School.
Today the Jam Bus Team of Jamie and Dan came to Red Hill School. The Jam Bus Team are a mobile recording studio that visit a whole range of schools. We were all very excited to be recorded and then to listen back to how we sounded.
We think we did an awesome job!
This is our Kapa Haka Roopu preparing to sing.
(We were very nervous)
The girls were shifted from the front row into the back row and then we got perfect harmony!
We can't wait until 2016.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
The North Counties Basketball Competition
The Year 7 and 8 students attended the North Counties Basketball Competition. Both teams played very well and were able to compete against our large schools competitively.
Each of the teams used the skills that they have learnt from Youthtown to move into space, defend their ball, protect their space and shoot accurately.
Each of the teams used the skills that they have learnt from Youthtown to move into space, defend their ball, protect their space and shoot accurately.
We passed well.
We held our ground.
We played very well. Miss Kereopa, Miss Castle, Gran and Miss Parker were very proud of the effort that we put in.
The Counties Zone League Competition.
The students in Year 7 and 8 were fortunate enough to represent North Counties the Counties Zone League Competition. The teams worked very hard and co-operatively as members of teams and came through with a 4th placing in both grades.
Our open grade played very well. We tackled hard and were consistent.
Our awesome Under 55 team. We were nippy and quick moving into space well.
Saturday, 29 August 2015
What do Good Writers Do?
In Amua Whare we are learning what it is that good writers do? We have all completed our own brainstorm about what we individually believe. This is what Marena thinks good writers are able to do.
Saturday, 22 August 2015
The Kapa Haka Group at Rangatahi 2015
The Red Hill School Kapa Haka Roopu took part in the Rangatahi Festival on Thursday 20th August. The group performed with Pride and Mana. Matua Hemi, Matua Guy, Miss Castle, Granny Hetaraka, Miss Parker, Miss Kereopa and Kanaehana were very proud of the way that we held ourselves and performed.
Nga Tama - Our haka was AWESOME!
Nga Kotiro - We sang in tune and harmony.
Mauruuru koutou ki katoa o nga hapu me ngā kaitautoko nei tauturu , e tautokotia ana tatou i runga i te ra .
Mauruuru koutou ki katoa o nga hapu me ngā kaitautoko nei tauturu , e tautokotia ana tatou i runga i te ra .
(Thank you to all of the families and supporters who helped and supported
us on the day.)
The Pasifika Group at Rangatahi 2015
The Red Hill School Pasifika Group performed with pride at the Rangatahi Festival held on Thursday 20th August at Mansell Senior School. The weather was wet BUT there was nothing to stop the group bringing the sunshine of the Pasific into the tent - A beautiful performance that took place.
The teaching staff, support staff and parents were very proud of the awesome performance.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Our Kapa Haka and Pasifika Wananga - Friday to Saturday.
It was an evening full of fun,
laughter and hard work.
The teachers even cooked a yummy dinner
and dessert!
We were all very tired after working so
hard so went to sleep quite quickly.
It was awesome!
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Our North Counties Year 7 and 8 Cross Country Experience.
The Year 7 and 8 students participated in the North Counties Year
7 and 8 Cross Country Competition held at Strathallan School on Friday.

We all tried our very best and all ran for
the entire race. It was a very long way and we know that Miss Castle, Ms
Kereopoa and Miss Parker were very proud of the efforts that we made.
Each race had between 50-60 runners in each race. One of our students Rowena came 19th and this was our best result - we were all cheering for her. Steven came 23rd and he was the strongest result for the boys.
We have learnt that it isn't about being the winner - although we really like to is about participating, perseverance and doing our very best. We know that we can all run for 20 minutes without stopping!
Friday, 7 August 2015
The NED Show Visits Red Hill School
Never Giving Up
Encourage others
Do your best.
There was an awesome show that included specialist yoyo user. He did some amazing tricks with his yoyo. He taught us the importance of listening carefully to the adults that care for you and the lessons that they want you to learn.
He shared the importance of the teachers and caregivers who put boundaries and expectations to keep students safe.
Princess was the super star who was able to share the message that NED had. She was rewarded with a crown made of balloons and a special yoyo.
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
The Year 7's are Learning, Creating and Sharing.
The Year 7 students have been working on creating symbols for Learn, Create and Share. We are comparing the ones that were completed by the Year 8's to see whether we are thinking in the same way.
Come and look at the things that we ave been able to completed.
Manawaroa and the Reading Experience
In Amua Whare we have a buddy reading class. They come to read with us every Wednesday afternoon for 20 minutes. We love it when they come and share. It is a time for us to read to the little ones too.
We have noticed that the little ones are reading more confidently and we are learning how to speak aloud with an audience so it is helping us too.
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Puutake Te Wahanga Maori - James Cook Kapa Haka Roopu.
Red Hill School were one of a very lucky cluster of schools that were visited this week by - Puutake Te Wahanga Maori - James Cook Kapa Haka Roopu.
Our students were left in awe of the students after the high quality of performance that was delivered. Our own Kapa Haka Roopu have been inspired to strive to show the same wairua, discipline and quality of performance when we perform later in the term.
Our students were left in awe of the students after the high quality of performance that was delivered. Our own Kapa Haka Roopu have been inspired to strive to show the same wairua, discipline and quality of performance when we perform later in the term.
As a group of students we would also
like to acknowledge James Cook High School for recognising and valuing the
importance of Maori Language Week. The sharing of the Maori culture with others
is vital to the survival of our culture and traditions.
Red Hill School - Winners of one of the Colgate Prizes
The students and staff of Red Hill School have been collecting Colgate packets, tubes, etc to recycle as part of the Colgate Recycling Programme.
We were surprised when the school was contacted to say that we were one of the lucky winners of one of the $500.00 recycling prizes.
We are SUPER PROUD of our efforts!
We were surprised when the school was contacted to say that we were one of the lucky winners of one of the $500.00 recycling prizes.
We are SUPER PROUD of our efforts!
We are sure that we will find a suitable set of resources to spend the money on so that all of the children can benefit from all of the collecting.
Keep collecting everyone!!!
Friday, 24 July 2015
Kirstein's Learning Map.
Kirstein has just started at Red Hill School. Come and look at all of the things that she enjoys being a part of.
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
The Seven Sisters were manipulative however they were caught out by Mitai who found out that they were patupaire. (Fairy people)
The patupaire are very special people who bring good wairua most of the time.
Compiled by Sharkita.
Character Study - Matilda
One of the key areas of focus for literacy were character profiles.
This was Mykka's first slideshow experience.
Her focus novel was Matilda.
Thursday, 25 June 2015
Red Hill School Innovation Day
Today the staff and students took part in an Innovation Day. We took part in -
SarahLee, Jemma and Ana made a transformer - their machine started as a duck and with a shift of a piece it turned into a helicopter. How clever was that!
- Science - we exploded rockets - some were really good and some fizzled out a little.
- Arts/Technology - we made parachutes.......... they were great......although a few ended up in the trees because of the windy conditions.
- Technic Lego/Dacta - we made machines.
Here are some snapshots of our technic lego experience.
Here are some of the machines that we made. Sharkita made a hot air balloon while Maiana made a butterfly.
SarahLee, Jemma and Ana made a transformer - their machine started as a duck and with a shift of a piece it turned into a helicopter. How clever was that!
We had an awesome time at all of the other stations too. We can't wait for the next innovation day.
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